

Phonological System of Luowan Hakka Dialect in Shaanxi and its Similarities and Differences with other Hakka Dialects
摘要 罗湾客家话是清朝年间由广东迁至陕南商州的客家移民的方言。罗湾话古全浊声母不论平仄一律送气,少数非组字读双唇音,少数溪母字读擦音,f、hu-不分,基本没有撮口呼音节,古入声韵尾p、t、k已脱落,古阳声韵的m尾并入n尾,蟹咸山摄一等、二等、三四等韵母有别,臻摄开口见系舒声字、曾摄一等白读读入山摄,梗摄舒声存在复杂的文白异读,有六个单字调,平、入声分阴阳,部分古次浊平、次浊上、全浊上字读阴平(次浊上字最多)。与其他客家话比较,罗湾话保留了客家话的一些典型特点,同时也发生了若干变化。 Luowan dialect is spoken by a Hakka community in Shangzhou of south Shaanxi Province,who immigrated from Guangdong in Qing Dynasty.Ancient voiced plosive and affricate initials of Luowan dialect are aspirated no matter whether it is level or oblique tones.Some characters under initial group 非(fei) are pronounced as bilabials,and some characters under the initial 溪(xi) are pronounced as fricatives f,hu-are the same.There is no medium /y / vowel.Ancient plosive endings p,t,k were lost.m-ending in ancient Rhyme was merged into n-ending.The different classes of the rhymes 蟹咸山 are distinguished from each other.The characters with ancient initial group 见 under rhyme 臻,together with the first-class rhyme,as 山-She.There exists complicated literal and colloquial readings in lax tones of 梗-She: six monosyllable tones,level and entering tones have Yin and Yang differences,part of MC voiced level,MC voiced entering,MC voiced initials were read as level tones.Comparing it with other Hakka dialects,Luowan Hakka subdialect has undergone many phonetic changes in spite of remaining some common features of Hakka dialects.
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期143-150,164,共8页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 陕南 客家话 音韵特点 south Shaanxi Hakka dialects phonological characteristics
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