

Fabrication of Polymer-based Hybrid Nanomaterials for Enhanced Heavy Metal Removal in Waters
摘要 近年来,聚合物基杂化纳米复合材料作为典型重金属及典型无机污染物吸附荆备受关注。文章综述了该类纳米复合材料的制备方法和其对水中有毒重金属离子吸附性能及作用机制。此外,就该类纳米材料载体表面化学性质对纳米颗粒尺寸影响及纳米颗粒对复合材料机械强度的作用等方面特殊性能进行了评述。 In the recent decades, polymer-based hybrid nano-materials were widely explored for heavy metal removal and other inorganic pollutants retention. The present review focuses on the fabrication, sorp- tion performance and mechanism towards heavy metal ions for water purification of the hybrid nanoeomposite. Besides, the specific properties related surface chemistrv of matrix and mechanical strength were also discussed.
出处 《纳米科技》 2013年第1期69-79,共11页
关键词 纳米复合材料 重金属 纳米材料 吸附剂 nanocomposites heavy metal nano-materials adsorbents
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