
党内派别、政治对抗与党内民主——以苏共的经验教训为例证 被引量:1

Factions within Party,Political Confrontation,and Inner-party Democracy ——A Case Study on CPSU Experience and Lessons
摘要 每一个政党内部几乎都永远存在不同的思想倾向乃至思想流派,发展党内民主必然会遭遇这些思想倾向或者流派演变为政治派别的问题。苏联共产党的历史经验说明,党内不同的思想倾向、流派一旦演变为有组织的派别活动,党内的政治对抗将难以避免。党内政治对抗不但会削弱党的组织、动员和行动能力,在一定条件下还可能导致党的分裂与毁灭。苏联共产党在1991年瓦解的直接的组织原因就是党内不同政治派别之间的政治对抗导致的党事实上的分裂。因此,在发展党内民主的过程中,防止党内有组织的派别形成,消除党内政治对抗的土壤,是党内民主健康发展的组织前提。 In each political party, there almost always exist different ideological tendencies and even different schools of thoughts. The development of inner-party democracy is bound to encounter these ideological tendencies or schools evolved into political factions. Historical experience form the Communist Party of the Soviet Union reveals that once the different in- ner-party ideological tendencies or schools of thoughts evolved into organized factions, the inner-party political confronta- tions will be inevitable. Political confrontation within the party not only weakens the party organization, mobilization and ca- pacity to act, under certain conditions, it may also result in the fragmentation and destruction of the Party. The direct or- ganizational cause for the collapse of CPSU in 1991 was the de facto breakdown of the Party caused by the political confron- tation between the different political factions within the Party. Therefore, in the process of developing inner-party democra- cy, prevention of factions within the party from evolving into organized forms and elimination of the soil for political confron- tation within the party constitute the organizational premise for the healthy development of inner-party democracy.
作者 刘长江
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期81-88,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
关键词 党内民主 党内派别 政治对抗 党的统一 分裂 inner-party democracy factions within the party political confrontation Party unity separatism
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