The present paper aims to introduce our approach to ana- lyzing the influential factors of safety and quality maintenance of air- line based on grey relation entropy method, which involves the safety and quality maintenance in airline management. As is known, in or- der to study the influential factors of airline safety and quality mainte- nance, it is necessary to know the features of such airline mainte- nance management activities, most of which are irregular and random at least at first sight. It is for this reason that we have to resort to the grey relation entropy model to deal with the problem. In this paper we would like to make an analysis of the above said grey relation entropy model and analyze the relational degree, which is coincide with the actual situation of the airline maintenance management activities. Ac- cording to AC - 145 - 15 and the regulation of civil aviation manage- ment, we have to first of all grasp the crucial technology and its es- sential relation to data and information statistics and the ways for ac- quisition and monitoring of airline activities. Consulting with the man-agerial and technological personal, we have analyzed all the affecting factors concerning the airline maintenance safety and quality, which are mainly made of safety, reliability and economic control based on the study of the reliability data of the aircraft, such as Boeing and Airbus and some other machines produced at home. On the whole, we have summarized the most important 14 factors affecting the main- tenance safety quality, including the incident rate and serious error per/million rate, as well as the undue MEL delay flying per/thousand rate and so on, and analyzed them with our grey relation entropy model. And, finally, we have gained the whole picture of the relation degree of grey entropy with'all the clear-cut results involved. Through further analysis, we have drawn five main factors from the 14 ones, that is, the man-hour rate, the rest of the aircraft sustainable life, the ground report failure ra
Journal of Safety and Environment