The article aims to provide a brief description and analysis of two kinds of fluctuating rate mechanism, that is, the fluctuating mechanism and the differential rate mechanism. When giving a brief commentary on the concept of the two rate mechanisms, we would like to illustrate the necessity of fluctuating in the company in-service injury insurance. In proceeding with our research, we wish to make recommendations on establishing more comprehensive indicators and classification standards with the fluctuating mechanism while advocat- ing to make better use of the rate mechanism in the in-service injury insurance. However, we would like to emphasize the actual imple- mentation of the in-service injury insurance in the enterprises in ac- cordance with the actual capability and the modes of the injury insur- ance funds when we analyze the practical situation of payment for such injury insurance. In doing so, we have obtained the correspond- ing data of a company in Wuhan with its expenditure and revenue of its in-service injury insurance in one year in the paper. And, then, we have made an analysis of the situation to reach the conclusion for the next year. The paper has been using the exponential smoothing to predict the number of employees and average wage level in the com- pany, and then it can reveal the expenditure and revenue forecast of injury insurance in next year. Comparing the data of the correspond- ing two years, we can find that the rate mechanism after the regula- tion still has great effect on the company and helps to save a great deal of expense in injury insurance for the company. Thus, the re- suits of our study can directly confirm the theory of fluctuating mecha- nism. What is more, the results prove that it is highly reasonable to use the fluctuating mechanism in the injury insurance. Hence, the company should take it as its obligation to participate in the in-service injury insurance and ensure the safety for its regular business. At the end of the article, we would like to point out that it is
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
injury insurance