阐述了SolidWorks二次开发的基本原理和方法,针对SolidWorks软件未能提供常用零件的参数化设计模块这一不足,通过SolidWorks API函数接口,使用VB.Net对SolidWorks进行二次开发。笔者以工字钢的二次开发为例介绍了其具体开发过程,并建立适合用户需要的SolidWorks专用功能模块,大大提高了设计效率。
In this paper, the basic principles and methods of secondary development of SolidWorks is presented. For the dis- advantages of SolidWorks which can not provide the commonly used parametric design modules, secondary development to SolidWorks is made using VB. Net through the API. In the paper, the development process is introduced based on the example of I steam and the special feature modules is established which can meet users' requirement. This method improves the effi- ciency of the design greatly.
Mechanical Research & Application