本文概述了滇池水质的现状及变化趋势 ,总结了滇池流域污染防治所取得的成绩 ,列举了国外在治理富营养化湖泊方面的一些经验 ,提出加强对城市污水和工业废水治理措施的同时 ,还应注重流域内面源污染的治理 ,以及滇池水体水质的恢复。特别建议将饮用水气浮工艺处理技术推广应用于环境工程治理。
This article generalizes the situation and change of watr quality in the Dianch Lake,Summarizes the achievements made in pollution treatment and prevention,enumerates experiences obtained in treating eutropication of lakes overseas,proposes that while strengthening the treatment on city sewage and industrial wastewater,attention should also be given to the area pollution in the lake catchment and the restoration of water quality.The author also strongly recommends to apply the flotation process of drinking water to environmental engineering.
Yunnan Environmental Science