The decade after the conclusion of the 1954 Geneva Conference was an important period in the evolution of Sino-Cambodian relations. During this period, the Sino-Cambodian relationship underwent a major transformation. The leaders of the two countries overcame their initial lack of mutual understanding and developed a partnership of close cooper- ation in world affairs. During the Cold War, the Chinese leaders considered the United States as the primary threat to Chi- na' s revolution and national security. A key objective in their foreign policy was the frustration of America' s isolation and blockade strategy against China. In order to oppose and weaken the United States, the Chinese leaders applied the united front tactic in their foreign policy, seeking to divide opponents and court neutral forces. As to their approach to Cambodia, the Chinese leaders' primary concern was how to win Prince Sihanouk' s goodwill toward China and obtain his cooperation, preventing Cambodia from joining the anti-Chinese encirclement ring organized by the United States. In addition, the Chi- nese leaders hoped to increase China' s influence among Afro-Asian neutral countries by cooperating with Cambodia.
Southeast Asian Affairs
Sino-Cambodian relations, Cold War diplomacy, anti-American united front