
欧洲稳定机制与欧洲新稳定框架——基于新三元悖论视角的梳理 被引量:3

European Stability Mechanism and the New European Stability Framework——Combing based on New Trilemma Perspective
摘要 欧洲稳定机制作为欧盟一项永久性的金融救助机制,既与之前建立的欧洲金融稳定机制和欧洲金融稳定工具有所联系,同时也带来了更多新的欧债危机解决思路,其中欧洲稳定机制与欧盟近期一些重大的制度性改革紧密相连,暗含着欧洲新稳定框架的构建。为此,本文从Pisani-Ferry(2011)提出的新三元悖论的思路出发来梳理欧洲稳定机制的核心变革及其与欧洲新稳定框架之间的内在联系,最后展望欧盟未来的改革前景。 As a permanent financial rescue mechanism in the EU,European stability mechanism is not only connected with the previously built European Financial Stability Mechanism and the European Financial Stability Facility,but also brings more new thoughts on solutions of European debt crisis.European stability mechanism is also closely linked with a number of recent major institutional reforms in the EU,implying the establishment of a new European stability framework.So the article begins with the new Trilemma perspective introduced by Pisani-Ferry(2011) to summarize the intrinsic connection between the core reform of European stability mechanism and the new European stability framework,and discusses the prospect of the future reforms in the EU.
作者 陈波
出处 《上海金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期60-63,118,共4页 Shanghai Finance
关键词 欧洲稳定机制 欧洲新稳定框架 新三元悖论 欧洲金融稳定机制 欧洲金融稳定工具 European Stability Mechanism New European Stability Framework New Trilemma European Financial Stability Mechanism European Financial Stability Facility
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