
基于ELM的动力排气系统喷雾降温研究 被引量:3

Study of cooling engine exhaust systems with water spray by using ELM
摘要 研究了动力排气系统集水箱内高温烟气的喷雾降温问题.基于欧拉-拉格朗日方法(ELM)对烟气与水雾两相流的流动和能量方程进行求解计算.分析了集水箱内部分流管的结构对集水箱温降和压降特性的影响,以及喷雾流量对烟气温降的影响,并通过实验数据对仿真结果进行了校验.结果表明:内层管长大于外层管长的弯管结构模型的综合特性较好;随着喷雾流量的增加,烟气温度、水雾的相对蒸发率和烟气进出口压差均呈降低趋势;当喷雾流量为0.04kg/s时,未蒸发的水雾量增加,继续增加喷雾流量,烟气温度变化不明显. The water spray cooling the hot exhaust gas in a water-collecting box (WCB) of engine exhaust systems was investigated. The flow and thermal equations of gas-droplets two-phase flow were solved by an Eulerian-Lagrangian method (ELM). The effect of tubes' structure on the characteristics of temperature and pressure drops of WCB, and the effect of spray flux on the temperature drop of exhaust gas were analyzed. The predicted results were validated by the available experimental data. The bended-tube model, within which the outer tube length was less than inner one, is testified better than other ones. As the water spray flux increased, the gas temperature, the relative evaporation rate of water droplets and the resistance loss of exhaust gas tend to decrease. When the spray flux rises to the value of 0.04 kg/s, the increase of spray flux can not make the gas temperature decrease any longer.
作者 王小川 贺国
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期31-35,共5页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国防预研基金资助项目(101050202)
关键词 喷雾降温 雾两相流 欧拉-拉格朗日方法 排气系统 集水箱 spray cooling gas-droplets two-phase flow Eulerian-Lagrangian method exhaust system water-collecting box (WCB)
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