水资源是人类生存发展不可缺少的基本自然资源 ,更是农业发展的短缺资源 ,本文从分析农业用水危机入手 ,阐明农业要可持续发展必须实现水资源可持续利用 ,发展节水农业正是实现这一目标的战略性措施。本文对节水农业的开发模式作了归纳 。
Water resources are not only the basic and natural resources for mankind to live and develop but also the shortage resources for agriculture. In this pape, the viewpoint that the Sustainable and devloped agriculture must depend on the sustainable utilization of water resources is explained by analyzing the crisis of using water of agriculture. The save water agriculture is the strategic measure to achieve this objective. The exploited model for save water agriculture is induced and several thinking on how to develop the save water agriculture is advanced.
Northwest Water Resources & Water Engineering