目的分析与探讨心律失常导致心源性晕厥与阿斯综合征的临床表现与诊治特点。方法选取2005年7月~2011年7月广东省增城市新塘医院收治的心律失常致心源性晕厥与阿斯综合征患者45例,对其临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 45例患者中,发作时为缓慢性心律失常者占55.26%,为快速性心律失常者占44.74%。所有患者中植入永久性心脏起搏器者7例,通过药物治疗恢复心律者20例,通过直流电治疗恢复心律者10例。结论在发作时,缓慢性心律失常与快速性心律失常均为主要心律失常类型,对于前者建议植入心脏起搏器,后者以及时复律为主,以终结心律失常的发作。
Objective To analysis and discuss the arrhythmia leading to cardiogenic syncope and Adams-Stokes syndrome clinical manifestation and diagnosis and treatment characteristics of. Methods In our hospital from 2005 July to 2011 July in our hospital of arrhythmogenic cardiac syncope Adams-Stokes syndrome patients with a total of 45 cases,the clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results In 45 cases,episodes of slow arrhythmia patients accounted for 55.26%,for rapid arrhythmia patients accounted for 44.74%. All patients with implantation of permanent cardiac pacemaker in patients with a total of 7 cases,with drug treatment recovery heart in 20 cases,through DC treatment recovery heart in 10 cases. Conclusion In the episode,slow arrhythmia and cardiac arrhythmia are the main types of arrhythmia,the former taking treatment recommendations of implantable pacemaker, while for the latter the treatment is and cardioversion, to end the onset of the arrhythmia.
Contemporary Medicine