为了提供同种雌雄株性别鉴定的理论根据,采用生理生化方法对银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)、黑枣(Diospyros lotus L.)、杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)雌株和雄株的代谢差异进行检测,结果如下:1.过氧化物酶和细胞色素氧化酶同工酶的谱带数量和酶的相对含量,在雌雄株间有显著的差异;2.氧化还原电位和抗药性具有相关性,可做为性别鉴定的简易和有效的方法;3.雄株叶绿素和核酸的含量低于雌株,游离氨基酸的含量高于雌株;4.维生素C在性别间有差异,但尚无规律可循;5.可溶性糖和pH在性别间无明显差异。
In order to provide a theoretical basis for the identification of sexesof the same species, we have examined the metabolic distinction betweenthe male and female (Ginkgo biloba L., Diospyros lotus L., Eucommia ulmoidesOliv.) by using physiological and biochemical methods. The results are asfollows: 1. Clear difference is observed between the male and female on zymo-gram of the quantity, width and intensity of peroxidase and cytochromeoxidase isoenzyme; 2. Oxidation-reduction potential and drug resistance havea clear interrelationship, which can be used as a simplme, easy and effective method in the process of identifying the sexes; The content of chlorophylland nucleic acid is lower fn the male than in the female, but the contentof free amino acid is higher in the male than in the female; 4.Clear diffe-rence in vitamin C content is observed between the male and the female,but its regularity is not known yet, 5. No difference is observed in thecontent of soluble sugar and the pH level.
dioecious plants
sex identification
physiologicaland biochemical
maidenhairtree (gingko biloba)
eucommia (eucommia ulmoides)
dateplum persimmon (diospyros lotus)