试验研究了二氧化氯与铜绿微囊藻的接触时间、二氧化氯投加量、藻初始浓度、pH值、有机物和氨氮含量对二氧化氯杀灭铜绿微囊藻效果的影响,考察了二氧化氯与混凝工艺的协同除藻效果。结果表明,二氧化氯与铜绿微囊藻最佳接触时间为10min。铜绿微囊藻杀灭率随二氧化氯投加量增大而提高,随pH值升高及有机物含量的增大而下降。由氯化铵形成的氨氮的存在对溶液的pH值有影响而使铜绿微囊藻杀灭率稍有提高。当叶绿素α初始浓度低于27.12μg/L时,二氧化氯杀藻率随藻初始浓度的升高而提高,但当叶绿素α初始浓度高于27.12μg/L时,杀藻率随藻初始浓度的升高而逐渐下降。二氧化氯与混凝具有协同除藻作用,当二氧化氯的投加量为0.5 mg/L,聚合氯化铝10 mg/L时,铜绿微囊藻杀灭率达到96.17%。
The experiments of the effect of the reaction time, ClO2 dosage, initial algal concentration, pH value, organic compound concentration and ammonia nitrogen concentration on killing microcystis aeruginosa in water with chlorine dioxide were carried out. The synergy effect of killing microcystis aeruginosa by chlorine dioxide and coagulation process was investigated. The testing and in- vestigation results show that the optimal reaction time is 10 minutes. The efficiency of killing microcystis aeruginosa increases with increasing of ClO2 dosage, but decreases with increasing of pH value and organic compounds concentration. Ammonia nitrogen present as ammonium chloride in water influences pH value and increases the efficiency of killing microcystis aeruginosa slightly. When the algal chlorophyll-or concentration remains below 27.12 μg/L,the efficiency of killing microcystis aeruginosa is increased with the in- creasing of algal initial concentration. However, when the algal chlorophyll-α concentration is higher than 14.93 μg/L, the efficiency of killing microcystis aeruginosa is gradually decreased with the increasing of algal initial concentration. Chlorine dioxide and coagu- lation process have synergy effect of killing microcystis aeruginosa. When the dosages of C1Oz and aluminium polychlorid are 0.5 mg/ L and 10 mg/L respectively, the rate of killing microcystis aeruginosa is 96.17 %.
Water Purification Technology
chlorine dioxide microcystis aeruginosa influencing factor effect