通过有限元法对积石峡水电站GIS在水平加速度0.25g、垂直加速度0.125g时地震载荷的支持部位以及对于GIS主要构造物的安全性分析,对积石峡水电站363 kV GIS进行了抗震安全性检查。以确保积石峡水电站363 kVGIS安全运行。
aseismic safety of 363 kV GIS, Jishixia Hydropower Project, is inspected through safety analysis on the GIS support position at earthquake load and on main GIS structures by application of FEM in conditions of 0.25g horizontal accelerator and 0. 125g vertical accel- erator to assure the safety operation of 363 kV GIS, Jishixia Hydropower Project.
Northwest Hydropower