

Emancipating the Mind and Seeking Truth from the Fact Should Be Consistent
摘要 党在理论和实践上每前进一步 ,都是解放思想、实事求是的结果 ,它是邓小平理论形成的前提条件 ,是我们夺取一个又一个胜利的思想保障。新时期的思想解放 ,关键就是在“什么是社会主义 ,怎样建设社会主义”这个根本问题上的思想解放。实践无止境 ,解放思想、实事求是要一以贯之 ,这是坚持邓小平理论、高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜的需要 ,是建设有中国特色社会主义的需要。 Whenever there is any progress both theoretically and practically by the Party, it must be the result of sticking to emancipating the mind and seeking truth from the fact. This is the premise for the formation of Deng Xiaoping's theory, and it can also be the ideological support for us to win victories one after another. Under new situations, the key point for the emancipation of the mind is to resolve the crucial problem of“what is socialist, and how to build socialist”. Since there is no limitation in practice, so emancipating the mind and seeking truth from the fact should be consistent. This is the demand of sticking to Deng Xiaoping's theory. and the demand of raising up the great flag of Deng Xiaoping's theory, and also the demand of the construction of socialist with Chinese characteristics.
作者 张晓林
机构地区 求是杂志社
出处 《西安政治学院学报》 2000年第2期16-21,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute
关键词 解放思想 实事求是 邓小平理论 社会主义 emancipating the mind seeking truth from the fact Deng Xiaoping's theory socialism
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