
基于动态用户融合的云计算架构 被引量:2

Dynamic User-Integrated Architecture for Cloud Computing
摘要 云计算是IT产业的第三次变革,已成为互联网信息服务研究的热点,并且各种云计算的产品相继出现.云计算大多采用强数据中心和弱终端的架构模式,建设这种架构的云计算中心,需要大量的资金投入,并配置高速的网络访问环境.目前中国的网络带宽还难以满足这种云计算框架下服务的需求;同时,众多云计算中心的建立也可能在一定程度上造成已有PC设备资源的浪费.提出了一种基于动态用户融合的云计算服务架构,该架构通过将有一定存储能力和计算能力的用户终端动态地融合到数据中心,使得云计算中心的规模能够动态地扩展或收缩,让用户能够为云服务中的其他用户提供服务.基于该框架,设计和实现一个云服务视频点播系统.实验表明,该框架能够在保持云服务质量的同时允许动态扩充云的规模. Cloud computing has become a hot topic as the symbol of the 3rd IT revolution. Currently, the general cloud computing architecture requires intensive data and computing center that require massive hardware investment and high speed network access. However, the current network infrastructure in China may not meet the requirement, while the over-heated construction of cloud centers may also have caused waste of existing PC hardware. Base on that, a dynamic user integrated cloud computing architecture is proposed that integrates user resources into the cloud center while providing cloud services. This paper propose a video on demand system based on the proposed architecture. Preliminary tests show that the system can be expanded while keeping the service quality.
出处 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期31-34,共4页 Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 上海市科委重点资助项目(11510500300,12511502900) 上海市重点学科建设资助项目(J50103)
关键词 云计算 动态用户融合 系统架构 cloud computing dynamic user integration system architecture
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