本文从影响城市发展自然地理因素和经济因素出发 ,综合它们对城市发展的影响 ,将城市的发展粗分为 :极化阶段和扩散阶段。并根据城市各发展阶段的经济发展特征 ,提出城市各阶段的发展方向和近中心城市县域经济发展的原则 ,从而为城市的发展和近中心城市县域的经济规划作了理论上的初步探讨。
According to the effect of the factors of the physical geography and the economy to the development of the core cites, the processes of the development of the core cities are divided into two stages: the polarization and the diffusion stages. There are different characters in the economic development of the core cities. On the bases of the analysis, some principles on the development of the core cities and the urban counties are drawn. These will assist to make the correct plan of development of the core cities and the urban counties.
Economic Geography