本文介绍了在 Windows操作环境中编写捕获和显示动态实时图像应用程序的两种方法。一种是使用图像采集卡附带的开发工具箱 (SDK)中的函数进行开发 ,其中各种功能函数的介绍对所有图像采集卡应用程序编程都有借鉴都有借鉴意义。另一种是利用 Windows98附带的视频开发工具编程 ,了解此开发工具的各方面后 ,不用知道硬件特性也能轻松编程。文中的程序用 Visual C++6 .0编写并编译通过 。
This paper introduces two methods for programming real time dynamic image-capturing applications on Microsoft Windows. The first method uses functions of Software Development Kit (SDK) attached to the video capture card, which is helpful in this field. The second method uses software of Video for Windows (VfW) attached to Windows 98. With such development software, programming requires no knowledge about the hardware. This paper also includes a program successfully developed and compiled in Visual C++ 6.0 as well as figures captured by this program.
Microcomputer Applications