Since the conceptual germina- tion of "human rights" in the modern age, the controversy over it and its connotationshave been constant. Scholars at home and abroad either attempt to interpret the connotation of human rights by em- phasizing the real social foundation of human rights from a political and eco- nomic perspective, or elaborate on the essence of human rights by focusing on traditional values and dignity from the angle of cultural and moral traditions. However, because of differences in sys- tem and culture in different countries,
Since the conceptual germina- tion of "human rights" in the modern age, the controversy over it and its connotationshave been constant. Scholars at home and abroad either attempt to interpret the connotation of human rights by em- phasizing the real social foundation of human rights from a political and eco- nomic perspective, or elaborate on the essence of human rights by focusing on traditional values and dignity from the angle of cultural and moral traditions. However, because of differences in sys- tem and culture in different countries,