
收放自如,张弛结合:松—紧式领导述评 被引量:3

A Literature Review of Loose-Tight Leadership
摘要 决策中的领导指挥行为和员工参与行为对不同层次的结果变量有着差异化的影响。为互补所长,松—紧式领导主张对领导指挥和员工参与行为进行融合。本文从松—紧式领导概念内涵出发,对不同层次下的影响因素进行了梳理,并围绕相关结果变量介绍了松—紧式领导的作用机制,在此基础上探讨了松—紧式领导对团队创新的促进作用。结合以中国为代表的集体主义国家所推崇的折衷适度、兼收并蓄的文化特征,张弛结合的松—紧式领导相较以往许多经典西方管理理念体现出了更强的文化移植性,并将对指导中国本土管理实践、培养企业创新能力起到深远的影响作用。 Loose-tight leadership refers to the idea that effective leaders should combine directiveness (tight) and participation (loose) when making decisions. After a brief introduction of loose-tight property exist- ed in present leadership research, this article systematieally reviewed researches on theories of loose-tight leadership, as well as its antecedents, consequences and influencing mechanisms that focus on how loose-tight leadership could help to promote team creativity. Contrary to a widespread assumption in western theories that leader directive and participative practices are mutually exclusive, "to have it both ways" is quite a natural mindset in some non-Western cultural values. In this vein, an integration of participative decision-making and leader directiveness may probably fit better when researchers and practitioners draw lessons for management indigenization.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2013年第1期27-32,共6页 Science of Social Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71102108) 教育部人文社会科学基金资助项目(10YJC630155)
关键词 松一紧式领导 领导指挥 员工参与 loose-tight Leadership leadership directiveness participative decision-making
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