中国“入世”已为期不远。根据当前国际经济贸易发展的趋势和中国加入WTO后应承诺的义务 ,“入世”对广东外经贸的发展是机遇和挑战并存。我省的对策应该是加大改革的力度 ,落实科技兴贸战略 ,发掘和扶持出口贸易的增长点 ,采取强有力的留住和吸引人才政策 ,提高政府的服务和管理效率 ,加强政府和企业的合作 。
It wont take long for China to join the World Trade Organization. In the light of the current trends of international economy and trade and Chinas commitment after the WTO, Chinas entry could be both an opportunity and challenge. The countermeasures for Guangdong province should be strengthening the reform and carrying out the strategy of “invigorating trade with science and technology', exploring and supporting the increasing points. Meanwhile it should adopt decisive policy to attract and retain key people, improving governmental service, management efficiency, and the cooperation between government and businesses, in order to achieve better results of GD foreign economy and trade.(See p.14)
International Economics and Trade Research