从高校图书馆实行开架借阅后 ,大学生读者违章行为的主要表现形式、违章动机及心理分析出发 ,探讨偷窃、损坏书刊等违章行为产生的根源及屡禁不止的原因 ,并提出具体的防范措施及对策 ,以加强文献保护 。
WT5”BZ]Since libraries in colleges and universities carry out the open shelf service,students readers often break rules and regulations of the open shelf system.We discuss incorrigible reasons and generating roots of stealing books and damaging magazines from illegal activities,motive and psychological analysis.The concrete measures and countermeasures against ill doings are put forward in order to enhance documental protection and improve service quality. [WT5”HZ]
Journal of Changchun University