指出了纵横码辅助训练软件中存在的帮助和分析功能薄弱的一些问题 ,提出实时分级帮助和训练文章自动切词分析手段 这些技术最大限度地反映纵横码易学易记、词组丰富等特点 。
This paper points out some weakness in the functions of help and analysis in CAI systems for CKC Scheme.It proposes techniques for real time help at different levels,and automatic word cutting for training articles,which best show the features of the CKC Scheme,such as being easy to learn and to memorize,and having a large number of words.These techniques will efficintly improve training results.They are implemented in the new version of CKC98.
Journal of Soochow University(Natural Science Edition)