改革开放以来 ,我国东中西部经济差异扩大化是客观事实。东中西部差距的扩大化有其历史的必然性 ,但也有暂时性的一面 ,随着历史的发展差距将会慢慢减小。缩小地区间经济差距是个历史过程 ,当务之急是阻止经济差距“急剧扩大”和“过分悬殊” ,以利经济健康发展。
A series of unbalanced questions appear in the course of our country's reforming and opening.The reason about the enlargement of econmic gap between the east and the west is abont history,but the gap will be reduced slowly.This artical gives reasonable consideration about the question and poses some ways to resolve.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnical Normal University