On-demand provision is a core challenge for PaaS platform. Traditional feedback method solves the problem of local optimization and is hard to realize global optimization of resources provision. In order to allocate resources reasonably, performa- nce model plays an important role in predicting resources demand of Web applications. However, with the development of the service platform, the way of deployment is changed from closed environment to an opened one, such as PaaS. New challenges are broughr for performance modeling of such systems. First, it is difficult to build a performance model in advance, because applica- tions and platforms belong to different organizations. Second, in the opening and dynamic environment, the user behaviors is un- expected, which makes it is necessary to let the model adapt to the change of the mixed workload mode. To solve above prob- lems, a dynamic performance modeling tool is designed and implemented. The tool is used to collect the running condition of Web systems at first step by inserting necessary probes into those Web systems and writing to log files. And then through periodically analyzing these log files, the tool extracts a performance model from the mass data which is in coincidence with the use condition of Web users. At last, our work is evaluated with TPC-W bench mark, whose results can demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Computer Engineering and Design