为了研究平面盘香形射频离子源等离子体放电特性,对射频电感耦合离子源内的放电等离子体运用磁流体动力学建立二维磁流体模型进行数值模拟,得到了放电室内等离子体参数分布。结果发现电子由于受双极性电势的约束主要分布在放电室的中心,放电等离子体吸收能量的区域主要在放电室内距天线1 cm附近。对比电子的温度和离子密度分布,在低气压条件下,电子加热的区域和产生电离的区域是分开的,电子加热的区域出现在线圈附近,而最强的电离过程发生在双极性电势最高的位置附近。
We estaslished a two dimensional magnetic-fluid model based on MHD to numerically simulate discharge characteristics of the incense coil-shaped RF inductively coupled ion source plasma in the discharge chamber and obtained the parameters of the plasma. The results show that, influenced by the bipolar electric potential, the electrons mainly distribute in the chamber center and the plasma energy absorption area is located at the distance of lcm from the antenna. Moreover, at a low air pressure, the electron heating area and the ionization area are separated. The electrons are mainly heated near the coil, while the strongest ionization process happens near the area of the highest bipolar electric potential.