
绿色蜂窝网络的频谱效率与能效函数 被引量:8

Spectrum-efficiency and energy-efficiency functions of green cellular networks
摘要 为了给绿色蜂窝网络的研究和设计提供一个基本的基准或判断依据,对存在多小区干扰和越区切换情况下蜂窝网络的网络传输能力(网络频谱效率)和能量效率函数(能效函数)进行了研究,揭示了蜂窝网络的功率开销与频谱效率之间的关系。首先,给出了蜂窝网络能效函数的定义,并在此基础上提出了小区干扰深度和越区切换的动力学模型,进而论证了存在多小区干扰和越区切换情况下的蜂窝网络频谱效率,并推证了数学表达式。最后,求解了蜂窝网络的能效函数,讨论了相关参数对它的影响和数值结果分析,为绿色蜂窝网络的研究和设计,提供了有益的分析依据和基础。 To provide a research and design standard for green cellular networks with the presence of multi-cell interference and handover cases, the network transmission capacity (network spectral efficiency) and energy efficiency functions of the cellular network was researched, and the relationship between the power consumption and the spectrum efficiency in the cellular networks was revealed. First, the energy efficiency function of the cellular networks was defined. Based on this, the cell interference depth and the handoff dynamic model of cellular networks were proposed, and then the network spectrum-efficiency of the cellular networks was analyzed in the presence of multi-cell interference and handoff, and its mathematical expression was derived. Finally, the energy-efficiency function of the cellular networks and its numerical results were deducted and discussed. These results will provide a useful theoretical basis for green design of cellular networks.
作者 朱近康 许莉
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61172088) 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)基金资助项目(SS2012AA011702)~~
关键词 蜂窝网络的频谱效率 蜂窝网络的能效函数 小区干扰深度 越区切换动力学模型 绿色无线移动通信 spectrum-efficiency of cellular networks energy-efficiency function of cellular networks cell interferencedepth handoff dynamic model green wireless mobile communications
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