PCI、PCI Express都是一种总线技术标准.其中,PCI替代了ISA,PCI Express替代了PCI,每一次的替代,每一次的推陈出新,既有技术的进步,更有利益的驱动和竞争.今天,笔者就时下流行的PCI Express和与之相关的PCI技术标准向大家作一介绍,目的在于普及更新的、流行的、前沿的技术知识.
PCI and PCI Express both are a kind of bus technical norms.Among them,PCI instead of ISA,PCI Express instead of PCI.Each primary replacement and the innovation among them not only bring the technical progress but also have a benefit drives and competition.I will introduce the popular PCI Express and the PCI technical norms in this article,and the purpose is to popularize the newer,popular and frontier technical knowledge.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges