Regarding the concept of'Genre Film'firstly introduced to China in 1980s and the film industrialization innovation going into the inflection point at its 10th year,the Chinese film will confront the opportunities and challenges that the New Agreement on February 18th 2012 between China and the U.S.bring about.In the context of both domestic and international changes,the paper examines the main film genres and the film-making experience of China in recent years,and also makes generalization on the trend of the fusion of film genres and the exploration of new genres.Besides,the paper points out that three dimensions Chinese genre films should pay close attention to: the decision-making process,restructuring the movie creation mechanism,executing star and brand strategy and strengthening the internal cooperation should be shed more light on.ln the technical system,personnel training must be emphasized.From a macro perspective,high risks caused by high technology and investment should be avoided.ln the narrative system,it is important to carefully study the relationship between the film and the audience under the contemporary institution of film categorization and industrialization in China,and encourage domestic films of local features,traditions and timeliness.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Media & Communications