Three methods for the detection of DHCC receptor in vearious tissues were investigated. They were DCC assay , HAP assay and IEF assay. Values of Kd and R0 detected by DCC assay . HAP assay and IEF assay were 4. 2×10-9 and 6. 4×10-9 Analog competition for the receptor binding revealed the following order of potency : DHCC≥HCC≥CC≈E2. The contents of DHCC receptors in various tissues were ranked as follows: intestine >shell gland≥tiver. The time and temperature course of association fo DHCC with the cytoplasmic binder showed maximal steady state values between 2 and 5 h at 4 ℃. The content of DHCC receptor was significantly higher by KTED buffer assay than that of TED buffer assay.
Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science