为解决办公楼、公众场所饮水机及时换水问题,以ZigBee技术为核心创新出饮水机缺水自动短信通知供水人员及时换水新功能。硬件设计以CC2430为核心,选用食品级耐高温SUS304 1B型浮球液位开关实现水位信号检测;通过GRPS模块实现短信发送功能;为实现安装灵活方便,各节点采用了灵活多样的供电方式。在分析ZStack协议栈操作系统的基础上,在其中实现水位检测程序,基于串口的GPRS模块通信程序。经测试系统能有效、及时地发出缺水信号短信实现自动叫水功能。
To solve change water problems of water machine in the office building and public places in time, take ZigBee technology as the core, a new functions was invented, namely automatically sending text messages to notice water supply person- nel to change water. Take CC2430 as the core for hardware design, ball float water level switches of food grade high temperature resistant SUS304 1 B type was chosen to realize the signal detection; SMS function was realized through the GRPS modules; To realize the flexible and convenient installation, flexible ways of power supply was adopted for each node. Based On the analysis of the operating system of ZStack protocol stack, in which detecting program and GPRS module communication program based on the serial port were applied. According to the test, atuomatic supply water function was realized through the system send text messages of lack water effectively and timely.
Automation & Instrumentation