

The Iowa Gambling Task and Its Application in Different Addiction Researches
摘要 以往大量研究表明成瘾人群的一个显著特征是在现实生活中出现决策不良。爱荷华赌博任务(IGT)是一种模拟现实决策情景的实验室研究方法,在成瘾人群中应用广泛,能够有效测量成瘾人群的决策能力。现回顾IGT在不同成瘾中的应用研究,以及目前用来解释IGT决策功能受损的相关研究结果,为今后该方法的推广应用提供依据。 Poor decision-making is a major feature of addiction group. The Iowa Gambling Task(IGT) is a laboratory task which simulates real-life decision-making that has been widely applied in addiction research and sensitive to the detection of the decision-making impairment of addiction group. Here is to make a review on studies applied the IGT in different addiction groups, as well as the related studies used to explain why addiction group show impairment in IGT,to provide the basis for the future application of the method.
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第1期93-96,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 爱荷华赌博任务 成瘾人群 决策 Iowa gambling task Addiction group Decision-making
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