提出了物联网数据的一站式处理服务模式,给出了支持最广泛的接入、使网关具备可管理和灵活部署能力的设计方法;同时以EP9315处理器及相关传感器为硬件平台,以.Net Micro Framework作为网关嵌入式操作系统,并包含数据处理中间件,使各类数据感知终端能够高效率、低成本、一致性地轻松接入物联网;以便建立可支持多种接口通讯协议,具有统一的标准数据格式输出,数据配置策略灵活的物联网数据处理网关系统。
The paper presents a design scheme of IOT data one-stop processing service mode, which supports the widest access and makes gateway have manageable and flexible deployment capabilities. With the combination of SOC chip EP9315 and the relevant sensor as hardware platform, the gateway's operating system is .Net Micro Framework. Data processing middlewares provide efficient, low cost, consistent access to lOT for data perception terminals. A data processing gateway system for IOT is developed with the ability to support multiple interfaces communication protocol, output data in unified standard format, configurate data with flexibility.
Internet of things technologies