

Evaluation of microvolt T wave alternant as an index to determine exercise intensity for fat-children
摘要 目的:评估微伏级T波电交替是否可作为制定肥胖儿童运动强度的可靠指标。方法:实验分为两组:肥胖组28人,正常对照组36人,实验前分别测定空腹血糖、血脂,并测量血压和身高、体重等指标,然后采用Bruce方案行平板运动试验,并进行MTWA测定。结果:肥胖组儿童和正常组比较血压和血糖无差异,但其血胆固醇高丁正常组儿童,高密度脂蛋白则低于正常组(5.32±0.23 vs 4.28±0.34;1.02±0.12 vs 1.23±0.25),其MTWA发生率(63%vs25%)和发生时的心率(58%极量心率vs 79%极量心率)有显著差异。结论:肥胖儿童在较低心率时就有可能发生MTWA变化,在制定运动方案时需强调个体化,避免引起运动性风险。 Objective:To evaluate whether microvolt T wave alternant could be considered as an index to make a suitable exercise intensity for fat-children. Methods : Children were divided into two groups : 36 in normal weight group and 28 in obesity group. Blood glucose, blood fat, blood pressure, height and weight was measured and MTWA were measured through exercise testing with Bruce protocol. Results:No difference of blood pressure and blood glucose between the two groups, but the level of blood cholesterol in normal-weight group is higher than that in obesity group, however, the level of high density lipoproteins is lower. The incidence of MTWA is very higher in obesity group than that in normal weight group ( 63 % vs 25 % ) : the heart rate is lower when MTWA occurred compared to that of maximal exercise test in obesity group. Conclusions:MTWA occurred in a low heart rate in obesity children group means that an individual sports program should be made for fat-children in order to avoid being impaired in physical exercise.
出处 《山东体育学院学报》 北大核心 2012年第6期64-67,共4页 Journal of Shandong Sport University
基金 上海市人类运动能力开发与保障重点实验室(上海体育学院)资助
关键词 肥胖 儿童 运动 微伏级T波电交替 obesity children exercise microvolt T wave alternant
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