

Interpretation of and Critique to Hegemonic Operation of Modern Politics ——From Laclau's Hegemonic Logic to Zizek's Criticism Based on Negativity
摘要 现代政治霸权(领导权)的运作是拉克劳和墨菲、齐泽克等人关注的一个重要问题。这一问题主要围绕着政治霸权形成过程中的特殊性和普遍性问题而展开。拉克劳的政治霸权逻辑是建立在"空能指"概念的基础上。空能指、漂浮的能指和异质性概念是拉克劳建构政治霸权逻辑的核心概念。正是基于异质性概念,拉克劳将其政治霸权的逻辑定位于经验性和先验性的混合。然而,后马克思主义的另一位代表人物齐泽克则不赞同拉克劳的霸权逻辑建构,并将之视为后现代主义的一个变种,其本质上是在不触动现代资本主义经济和政治体制的情形下所展开的政治霸权的运作,因此它也面临着难以克服的困境,即漠视现代经济在霸权逻辑建构中的重要作用,进而导致了拉克劳的霸权逻辑是某种先验逻辑与现实政治相混合的准康德主义。拉克劳与齐泽克围绕着政治霸权所展开的普遍性与特殊性之争将有助于加深我们对后马克思主义和现代政治哲学的研究。 The operation of modern political hegemony is an important concern of Laclau, Mouffe and Zizek. The key aspects of this issue are the three particularity and universality of political hegemony during its formation process. Laclau's political hegemonic logic is based on the term "empty signifier". Empty signifier, floating signifier and heterogeneity are the three key concepts of his political hegemonic logic. It is based on the heterogeneity concept that Laclau defined his political hegemonic logic as a mixture of empiric and priori. Zizek, who is another repre- sentative of post-Marxism, disagrees with Laclau's hegemonic logic and considers it a variant of post-modernism. Zizek points out that Laclau's hegemonic logic is in essence operation of political hegemony without touching the economic and political systems of modern capitalism, and thus falls into a trap of insuperable problems. He says that this has turned Laclau's hegemonic logic in- to a kind of quasi-Kantianism that combines transcendental logic and practical politics. The debate between Laclu and Zizek over universality and particularity of political hegemony will contribute to researches of post-Marxism and modern political philosophy.
作者 孔明安
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期31-40,共10页 Teaching and Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"精神分析维度中的商品拜物教研究"(项目号:12BZX008)的阶段性成果
关键词 政治霸权 空能指 漂浮的能指 异质性 准康德主义 对象a political hegemony empty signifier floating signifier heterogeneity quasi-Kanti-anism object α
  • 相关文献


  • 1E. Laclau. Populist Reason [M]. London Verso, 2005. 被引量:1
  • 2Fred Botting & Scott Wilson(ed. ). The Ba taille Reade[M]. Malden.. Blackwell Publish ers, 1997. 被引量:1
  • 3J. Lacan. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-analysis [ M]. London: The Hogarth Press, 1977. 被引量:1
  • 4Butler, Laclau and Zizek. Contingency, Hegem- ony, Universality[M]. London.. Verso, 2000. 被引量:1
  • 5S. Zizek. In Defence of Lost Causes[M]. London: Verso, 2008. 被引量:1








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