
长白山云冷杉针阔混交林最优直径结构的构建 被引量:14

Optimal Diameter Structure for Spruce-fir Conifer and Broadleaf Mixed Stands in Changbai Mountains
摘要 以长白山云冷杉针阔混交林两个大区内274个固定样点为研究对象,样地内每木检尺;从1987年至今,每两年复查一次。利用不同模型拟合该地区林分每公顷胸高断面积和每公顷蓄积的关系,求得林分能够生长达到的每公顷最大胸高断面积,并以此为界将现有林分胸高断面积分成<10、10~20、30~40、40~50 m2/hm24个胸高断面积区间,分别计算各胸高断面积蓄积生长量。结果表明:林分进阶率和枯损率随胸高断面积的增加而减少;林分蓄积生长量随胸高断面积增加而先增大后减少。林分能够生长达到的最大胸高断面积大约为60 m2/hm2,但当林分胸高断面积为40 m2/hm2,平均Q值为1.4时,林分蓄积生长量最大(10.5 m3/(hm2.a))。利用呈负指数模型,结合林木径阶能够持续生长的转移情况,拟合出该地区林分最优直径结构。 The study was conducted on the basis of 274 permanent plots of the spruce-fir conifer and broadleaf mixed forests in Changbai Mountain, and each tree in the plots was measured. From 1987 to now, the diameters at breast heights were in- vestigated every two years. The relationship between basal areas at breast height per hectare and stand volume per hectare was analyzed by using different kinds of models, and the mixed basal area at breast height per hectare was obtained. Sim- ultaneously, the basal areas at breast height per hectare were divided into four intervals, 〈 10 m2/hm2, 10-20 m2/hm2, 30-40 mZ/hm2 and 40-50 m2/hm2, to investigate the stand volume growths. The results showed: Stand advanced rate and tree mortality rate decrease with the increasing of the basal area intervals at breast height. The stand volume growth firstly increases, and then decreases with the increasing of basal area intervals at breast height. The mixed basal area at breast height in the region is approximately 60 m2/hm2. However, when the basal area at breast height is 40 m2/hm2 and the mean Q value is 1.4, the stand volume growth value is the highest (10.5 m3/( hm2· year)). The optimal diameter structure distribution was modeled by negative exponential distribution model and the growth transition of diameter grade advanced rate.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 林业公益行业项目(200804027)
关键词 最优直径结构 径阶转移 枯损率 进阶率 每公顷胸高断面积 Optimal diameter structure Diameter grade transition Tree mortality rate Diameter grade advanced rate Basal area at breast height per hectare
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