计算机作为一种昆虫分类的工具 ,已广泛用于昆虫的数值分类和支序分类中。随着多媒体计算机以及计算机网络技术的迅速发展 ,它在昆虫分类中又有了新的用途。多媒体计算机的使用将使传统的形态分类产生质的飞跃 ,并能通过互联网核对模式标本和进行昆虫种类的共同鉴定 ,使传统分类充满新的活力。
As a useful tool, computer has been widely used in the entomological research works including insect classification. In the field of numerical taxonomy of insect and insect phylogeny, computer has been used to deal with large amount of numerical information that can hardly be finished by people. Since the quick development of multi media technology and Internet, new usage the of computer have been founded in insect classification. From the Internet, scientists can check the type specimens of insects as well as other animals and plants from the universities, natural museums and some personal deposits. In this paper, the new usage of computer are discussed.