2See Zdravko Mlinar (1995).Local Response to Global Change. In Richard Lambert and Alan Heston(eds).Local Governance around the World.The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.Vol.540.July.Thousand Oaks:Sage Publication.pp.145-156. 被引量:1
3See Henry Teune (1995). Local Government and Democratic Political development. In Local Governance around the World. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 540, July. pp. 11-23. 被引量:1
4See Richard C. Box (1998). Citizen Governance: Leading American Communities into the 21^st Century. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, pp. 66 - 87. 被引量:1
5See Tim O' Riordan (eds.) (2001). Globalism, Localism and Identity: Fresh Perspective on the transition to sustainability. London: Sterling, p. 3. 被引量:1
6See Jong Jun and Deil Wright ( eds. ) (1996). Globalization and Decentralization: Institutional Contexts, Policy Issues, and Intergovemmental Relations in Japan and the United States. Washington D.C. : Georgetown University Press.pp. 2 -6. 被引量:1
7See Charis Ansell ( 2000 ). The Networked Polity: Regional Development in Western Europe. Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, Vol. 13, No. 3, July, pp. 303 - 333. 被引量:1
8See Sue Goss (2001). Making Local Governance Work: Networks, Relationships and Management of Change. New York:Palgrave, pp. 91 - 109. 被引量:1
9See Jun, Jong (1996) "The Politcal and Administrative Challenges in Korea' s Future: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, Perceiving Critically". In Chung - hyun Ro (eds.) Korean in the Ear of Post -Development and Globalization: Tasks of Public Administration. p. 75. Seoul: Korea Institute of Public Administration. 被引量:1
10See Heather Voisey and Tim O' Riordan ( 2001 ). Globalization and Localization. In Globalism, Localism and Identity: Fresh Perspectives on the Transition to Sustainability, p. 37. 被引量:1