明代进士之政绩可谓优劣参半 :一方面 ,许多进士为官后不畏强暴 ,勇于斗争 ,他们从政比较清廉 ,从教颇为尽心 ,对内加强民族团结 ,访外不辱使命。他们关心民瘼 ,轻徭薄赋 ,促进了农业生产的发展 ;但另一方面 ,也有一些进士当官后 ,以权谋私 ,拉党结派 ,仗势欺民 ,为害地方。总结历史的经验和教训 ,对现实有着十分重要的借鉴意义。
The quality of the deeds done by jingshi--the first three candidates who successfully passed the highest imperial examinations and were then recruited as state's officials--when they were in their political career can be defined as half merit and half demerit. This can be seen from two aspects. On one hand, many jingshi made no compromise with the violence and the power and had enough courage to fight against the injustice. When they were in their official post, they maintained a relative rectitude and adhered to their tenets. Inside the border, they intensified the tie for the nations and outside successfully fulfilled their missions. They were concerned about people's suffering and made efforts to reduce common people's tax, which secured the development of agriculture. On the other hand, some Jingshi made use of their privilege for the benefit of their own. Inside, they gathered parties and split into sects. Outside, they bullied the common people and became a plague of the place.Therefore, the lessons and experiences of the history can be of great significance for today.
Social Scientist