
保护智能化的发展与智能继电器网络 被引量:51

The development of protection intellectualization and smart relay network
摘要 回顾了近年来继电保护原理的发展历程,重点放在暂态、广域和集成保护领域。以此来展望未来的为智能电网而构造的智能继电保护的发展。以智能电网的发展要求和特点为契机,主要介绍了国内在智能保护方面的研究现状。在以上研究的基础上,通过介绍一种基于暂态检测的集成广域保护方案来阐述集暂态、集成和广域保护为一体的智能保护单元所构成的继电器网络的优越性。安装于保护区域网络各变电站中并集成了多种暂态保护算法的集成保护继电器,通过变电站通信网从站内各入出线路上采集电流和电压量并从中提取故障暂态所生成的高频和故障分量信号。这些信号输给继电器内并行处理的暂态保护模块,经过各暂态保护算法处理后得到相应的故障的极性、位置和时标。基于本地信息的保护原理的模块可以直接判断故障是否在保护区内来进一步决定是否发出跳闸指令。基于信号比较的多端量的原理将其所测得的信号极性、方向和时标分别发给相邻的变电站的集成保护继电器和广域保护装置,同时接收来自相邻的变电站的相同信号进行比较来决定故障的位置和相应的跳闸决策。广域继电保护装置接收和比较来自各变电站集成保护装置的信号以此判断故障的位置并做出跳闸决策发给相应的变电站来执行,从而实现电网的广域集成保护。 This paper firstly reviews the recent development in power system protection, with special attention paid to the transient based, wide-area and integrated protection, in order to look into future development of smart relaying protection for smart grids. Taking into account the demand and feature of development of smart grids, this paper mainly introduces current research on smart relaying protection in China. The paper further presents a transient based integrated wide area protection scheme, which outlines the advantages of future smart relaying protection. In the proposed protection scheme, the integrated protection relay incorporating a number of transient based protection algorithms running in parallel is installed at each substation in the protected network area and is responsible for the protection of all the power lines associated with the substation. Each relay communicates with neighboring relays at the remote ends of the associated line section to form an area relay network. A centralised wide area protection device with specially designed protection algorithms is responsible for the backup protection of the entire network through advanced communication with each integrated relay at different substation in the area. Protection algorithms within each integrated relay are divided into two types: these relays on the measurement of local information alone and these require remote information. When a fault occurs on the network, the protection algorithms based on local information alone is able to determine whether it is on its protected line section; the algorithms based on remote information will sent the locally derived information to the remote relays and the wide area protection device and receive information from the remote relays, comparison between the remote and local information will determine whether the fault is within its protected zone. The wide area protection device is also able to determine the actual fault location through the comparison of the information from all the integrated relays w
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期1-12,共12页 Power System Protection and Control
关键词 继电保护 智能电网 继电器网络 relay protection smart grid smart relay network
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