

Inspiration that Cao Cao Humanism Management Thoughts to Modern Enterprise
摘要 曹操是三国时期著名的爱才惜才的领导人,他"唯才是举、因材授任、赏罚分明"的人力资本管控思想对后世影响深远。曹操人本管理思想对提升现代企业管理能力有诸多启示,它要求我们时下的企业管理者要树立"伯乐"意识,提升"将才"之能;要树立"包容"意识,克服"求全责备"的用人观;要树立"尊重"意识,建立"赏罚分明"的人才激励机制。 Three kingdoms period, Cao Cao is leaders that cherish talents. His thinking of human capital control that only is uses and reward and punishment has a great effect on the later world. Cao Cao humanism management thoughts have enlightenment to improve the modern enterprise management ability. It requires enterprise managers to set up Bole consciousness and promote ability of commander, set up tolerant consciousness and overcome demand perfection on employment, set up respect consciousness and establish reward and punishment incentive mechanism talent.
作者 黄巍
出处 《中共桂林市委党校学报》 2012年第4期45-48,共4页
关键词 曹操 人本管理 现代企业 唯才是举 Cao Cao, humanistic management the modern enterprise only is uses
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