中国现代美学先驱者们 ,首先是从关注中国社会与文化的发展的目的而开始美学理论建树的。他们认为欲兴中国文学艺术的创造与研究 ,都有待于美学。为此 ,他们自觉地吸收西方美学思想 ,融汇中国古典美学思想 ,建构了新的美学话语 ,也使文艺批评迈入了一个新的历史里程。这一切活动都是“五四”
Just paying close attention to Chinese social and cultural development, modern Chinese pioneers in aesthetics began to make a contribution to the theories of aesthetics, therefore, self assimilation of western ideology of aesthetics and self mixture with Chinese ancient one became what is now Chinese ideology in this sphere. This paved a new way to the building of new art criticism, which contributes a great deal to the 'May 4th Movement'.$$$$
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)