要 :对中国20年金融改革中的8个问题进行评析 ,基本观点是 :金融改革和经济改革的关系是在“滞后”和“超前”的交替中“同步”推进 ;金融改革的突破口应是商业银行及其他金融机构的商业化 ;以市场规律来整合金融组织体系 ,创建大中小金融机构并存的局面 ;减轻企业负债的有效办法是着重从金融性思路考虑 ,采取综合治理的方针 ;遵循银行和企业平等、服务、协调的原则 ,从银企内部机制转换中塑造新型关系 ;纠正对货币市场认识上的偏差 ,坚持以发展和完善货币市场为基础 ,推进资本市场的发展 ;坚持在规范中发展证券市场 ,规范是发展证券市场的主旋律 ;治理通货紧缩的途径是结构性调整和政策性措施相结合。
The present paper analyses the eight topics of general interest in 20 years′reform of China′s finance .The basic points of view in the paper are :the relationship between the reform of finance and that of economy hasbeen pushing its way synchronically in the transition from “lagging behind”to“leading the present reality”;the break-through point of finance reformis the commercialization of commercial banks and other financial institutions; it is necessary to create the situation in which large-scaled, medium-sized and small financial institutions co-exist by integrating the organizational system of finance in line with the law of marketing;the effective way of decreasing enterprises′liability is to adopt a policy of comprehensive harness from a financial perspective ; it is necessary to abide by the principle of equality between the bank and the enterprise, and of the bank being in the service of and in harmony with the enterprise and to mould a new-brand relationship between the bank and the enterprise on the transformation of the internal mechanism of the two;the market of capital has to be developed by correcting the deviation in understanding the development and improvement of the currency market as the basis;it is crucial to be in keeping with the norm to develop the market of securities as the norm is the key to the development of this market and the avenue to eliminating deflation is the structural adjustment combined with policy-related measures.
Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences