目的 :评价玻璃体切除术治疗复发性复杂性视网膜脱离的效果。方法 :对 5 6例 (5 7眼 )复发性复杂性视网膜脱离患者行玻璃体切除联合眼内激光或冷冻、惰性气体或硅油眼内充填治疗 ,术后密切观察随访 3~ 2 4个月 (平均 9.6个月 )。结果 :玻璃体切除术后全部视网膜解剖复位 ,最后随访时的视网膜复位率 91.2 % (5 2 / 5 7眼 )。视网膜复位眼最后视力均有不同程度的提高 ,达 0 .0 2~ 0 .7。手术并发症主要有医源性裂孔、暂时性高眼压、白内障。结论 :玻璃体切除术治疗复发性复杂性视网膜脱离有良好的疗效 ,适当的病例选择与手术的精心操作对提高手术成功率 ,降低手术并发症至关重要。
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of vitrectomy for the treatment of recurrent and complicated retinal detachment. Methods: The vitrectomy with endolaser or/and croypexy, gas or silicone oil tampnade was used for 56 cases (57 eyes) of recurrent and complicated retinal detachment. The closed observation and follow up were taken after operation more than 3 months in these cases. Results: The retina was anatomically attached in all the cases after operation. The retina attachment rate was 91.2% at last follow up. The last vision was better more or less, 0.02~0.7 in the eyes of attached retina. The main operation complications were iatrogenic retinal breaks, temporary increase of intraocular pressure and cataract. Conclusion: There is a good result to treat the recurrent and complicated retinal detachment with vitrectomy. Correct choice of cases and careful operation are the key points to increase the retinal attachment rate and to reduce the complications.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University