珠海学院新校舍是由oMA事务所两位主管合伙人RemKoolhaas和David Gianotten.与其香港办公室的设计团队完成的新项目.即将于两年后建成。1947年创校的珠海学院(当时名为”珠海大学“)一直以来以提供跨学科教育为宗旨。如今.珠海学院的新校舍即将在两年后成立——新校舍位于香港新界区翠绿的山峦之中.基地依山傍水.风光秀丽.能远眺青山湾景色。学院的悠久历史.加上新校舍幽美的天然环境及紧迫的施工期限.成为了种种主导元素.促成兴建新校舍的设计概念。
Three imperatives drive the concept for Chu Hal College's new campus: a compressed time frame of two years for completion, the natural beauty of the site - a verdant hill overlooking Castle Peak Bay in Hong Kong's New Territories - and Chu Hal's venerable history (starting in 1947) of multidisciplinary education. The campus consists of education facilities for three faculties (with 10 departments) and two research centres over a gross floor area of 28,000m2. Seventy-five percent of this space is concentrated in two parallel horizontal slabs, which are each eight stories high.
Interior Architecture of China