
基站协作系统下行链路中基于不同QoS的用户调度策略 被引量:1

An Users Scheduling Policy Based on Different Requirements in the Downlink of Base Station Cooperation Systems
摘要 在基站协作通信中,协作用户的调度是关键的问题之一。传统的用户调度方法为了片面追求小区的边缘传输速率与平均传输速率,造成了资源分配的不合理。本文着眼于最大限度地提升小区用户容量,提出了一种基于用户服务质量的调度策略,依据用户的需求速率和允许时延等条件确定优先级合理地调度分配资源,同时兼顾考虑小区吞吐率的提升。仿真结果表明,与原有的用户调度策略相比,该策略能够以较小的吞吐率损失为代价,大大提高了小区的用户容量。 The scheduling of cooperative users is one of the key issues in the base station cooperation e, ommunication. Traditional scheduling methods for users focus on the edge transmission rate and the average transmission rate of cells unilat- erally, resulting in irrational allocation of resources. This paper proposed a new scheduling policy hased on different QoS ( Quality of Service ) of users aiming at maximizing the capacity of (:ells, whie, h can allocate resources reasonably according to the users' required rate and allowed delay while taking the enhancement of the throughput of cells into account. Simula- tion results show that compared with traditional users scheduling policies, the new policy can improve the capacity of cells greatly at the cost of a small reduction of throughput.
作者 刘宇 郑宝玉
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期1670-1677,共8页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60972039) 江苏自然科学基金(BK2010077)
关键词 基站协作 调度策略 服务质量 小区容量 base station cooperation scheduling policy quality of service the capacity of cells
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