Empirical studies within the frame of investors' approach in corporate finance theories demonstrate that market mispricing could influence managers' investment decisions. Polk and Sapienza (2009) proposed catering theory of corporate investment decisions, which is regarded as the most efficient explanation for the relation between such market behavior and corporate decisions. They point out that if managers reject the investment on the project that inves- tors think profitable, investors (shareholders) might be compelled to reduce shareholding period, leading to external pressure of corporate management. Hence, managers, aware of short-term share price, may expand or tighten investment in accordance with investors, i.e. give rise to catering investment behavior. It is indicated by the theories of catering finance that, under the assumption of constant intrinsic value and optimal investment, firm's real investment will cater the investor sentiment in markets. Most scholars inside and abroad sim- ply regard that the change in catering-based investment will distort the resource allocation. This paper observes the economic results of catering investment behavior and point out stakeholders as a chan- nel linking market and long-term corporate value after releasing the assumption of the invariability of constant fundamental value and optimum investment level under investor irrational assumption. That is, investor sentiment might influence corporate stakeholders' antici- pation of corporate value; when corporate is overpriced in market, stakeholders will increase the investment and efforts of corporate cooperation, including banks' credit conditions of this company, co- operation conditions of upstream and downstream firms, diligence of employees and so on. Such anticipation and behavior change may improve the business environment, followed by even lower marginal cost of capital and much higher marginal revenue product of labor, which eventually bring about corporate value enhancement and investment le
Nankai Business Review
Behavior Corporate Finance
Investor Sentiment
Catering Channel
Investment Decision