High speed development and intense competition stage have entered for carbon fiber (CF), p-aramid fiber (AF) and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber (UHMWPEF), the producers do their best in technical innovation to reach more efficient in production, maximum in properties, saving energies, lower consumptions, in order to enhance their competition in the word. In molding technologies of composite materials, the interface bonding between reinforced fiber and resin is improving in order to give scope to limited strength, modulus and toughness, and the fast molding & low cost technologies are developing to broaden application fields. In the same time, foreign companies are interesting in future market of 3 high performance fibers in China, DSM annexed Chinese big enterprise of UHMWPE fiber first, ZOLTEK signed agreement with Chinese carbon fiber user to produce carbon fiber in near future, while Teijin hope to build p-aramid fiber factory in China round the time of 2016. In this situation, the countermeasures and suggestions for developing 3 high performance fibers in China were put forward.
Hi-Tech Fiber and Application