改革开放以来 ,我国经济有很大发展 ,由于各种原因 ,东西部经济差距拉大。西部重镇兰州将在西部大开发中成为经贸中心、工业中心、交通与信息中心和技术创新中心。特殊的战略地位和历史使命使得兰州必须立足现实 ,采取有力措施 :加强城市基础设施建设 ,彻底改变兰州污染问题 ,大力发展教育 ,建立西部试验区 ,建立健全金融市场 ,创造良好的投资环境 。
Since the reform and opening up drive,China's economy has been developing rapidly as a whole. However,owing to various reasons the gap between the East and West of China becomes larger and larger. With its vital strategic status and location Lanzhou will be a quickly-developed city, a centre of economy and trade industry, communication and technic reform. To meet the challange, Lanzhou ought to take effective measures to facilitate infrastrucfure construction, to solve the pollution problems, to further develop education, to set up its special economic district, to open financial market and to create appropriate environment for investment.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University